
analyze this

finally scanned in some diagrammatic analysis of pigeons in plaza espanya in merida.

feast yourself



back from the illustrious ghery guggenheim in bilbao and drinkin vino tinto en rioja
fun trip... then proceeded to spend the beautiful sunday in bed or hugging a toilet with some wretched disease.... while everyone else went to the beach.... grrrr

pigeons were not common at the gug... no nooks or crannies for the pigeons to hang out on in ghery's titanium facade, a few walked around on the ground but they did not seem to happy. however the calatrava bridge did offer up some intresting pigeon spots.

also ive started to dabble in hdri... thanks to spooky fish for giving me some direction on this
.... so here is a giant hrdi puppy


praha,cz dtf

following the poultry adventures in turkey we jetted off to praha, home to the largest castle in the world, a cool bridge, the OST, and Fred and Ging.

not much on the pigeon front here, just a lot of standard flocks, nothing to interesting, except on czech law that prohibits throwing "any sort of rubbish" on to the streets, which could explain a lack of major pigeon activity.
but any who, did find some wooly hats, and mammoths.

and some cousins of the flying rat hanging out on the charles bridge.


gobble gobble

back from spring break now, a while since my last delve into the world of flying rats. this is primarily due to projects and the week of turkey and prague.

in turkey there was not a heavy pigeon population, they were there dont get me wrong.

however on a boat ride down the Bosporus straight on our way to asia, I encountered two

 brits and three turks, who calibrated in creating a typhoon of sea gulls, the aquatic cousin of the pigeon, flying around us because of the pieces of bread they were throwing.

also like the alhambra... lots of kitties